A multicultural organization
LIN has broad cultural competence. If you have questions regarding our courses and activites, we are happy to help you - contact one of our employees
Rabia Musavi
Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 40 20 99 71
E-mail: rabia@linorg.no
Please contact me if you have questions about LIN
Ingvild Kallevik
Project Manager
Telephone: 92 97 25 15
E-mail: ingvild@linorg.no
Please contact me if you have questions about our courses
Dulce Paulsen
Project Manager
Telephone: 94 06 57 10
E-mail: dulce@linorg.no
Please contact me if you have questions about our courses
Oda Sofie Heien Larsen
Political Advisor
Telephone: 21 64 64 63
E-mail: oda@linorg.no
Please contact me if you have questions about LIN
Frida Jøraholmen Andersen
Project Coordinator
Telephone: 94 07 07 22
E-mail: frida@linorg.no
Please contact me if you have questions about our courses

The board
LIN's board represents a diverse membership with experience from academia, the voluntary sector as well as the public and private sector.
The board consist of:
• Yasir Mushtaq Ahmed (Chairman)
• Neelam Anjum (Deputy Chair)
• Andrea Alarcon (Board member)
• Saqib Razaq (Board member)
• Dulce Paulsen (Employee-elected board member)
• Xiaowei Aakervik (Deputy member)
• Nicolaj Møller Jensen (Deputy member)